Portfolio & Experiences
Here is my complete work, projects, volunteering, and education experience. From rapid delivery startup to noble student organizations, I have worked with a lot of people and help realized a lot of dreams and visions.
Full Stack Engineer
Jul. 2024 - Present
- Develop various feature in the SaaS utilizing Laravel PHP Platform, NextJS, and SQL as the tech stack.
- Successfully maintained and supported software solutions for a diverse client base, including international firms, startups, and corporate entities, resulting in high client retention rates.
- Implemented and optimized integrations with OpenAI, Zapier, Stripe, and Grafana APIs to enhance feature delivery, automate workflows, and establish robust data monitoring systems.
Mandiri My Digital Academy Batch 2
Des. 2023 - Jun. 2024
- Successfully secured a spot among the top 600 awardees, standing out from a competitive pool of over 24,000 applicants (<2.5%).
- Engaged in an intensive 1-month Bootcamp at My Digital Academy, emphasizing innovation in banking and financial product development.
- Collaborated in a team of 6 to develop a digital banking MVP, and presented the MVP to the judges from Rakamin Academy, Shopee, and Bank Mandiri.
Pemantauan Publikasi Ilmiah
Software Engineer
Jan. 2023 - Jun. 2023
- Develop a Web-based scientific publication and journal management portal for Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia used by 160+ Graduate and Masters Program students, researchers, and lecturers.
- Create and implement the frontend design of the portal using Bootstrap framework and deploy the production version in GCP.
- Developed in Django and SQL to support the backend.
- Provided the Information Architecture, Wireframe, and the High-Fidelity Design using Figma as the sole UI/UX Developer in the project.
MACO Design Studio
Project Lead
Aug. 2022 - Dec. 2022
- Managed cross-functional team of 9, ranging from entry-level analysts to board of directors, and collaborated with business development, software engineers, designers, operations and marketing.
- Led the development of a web-based application for a client in the law sector.
- Collaborated and communicated directly with an undisclosed corporate client.
University of Indonesia
Peer Tutor for Advanced Programming in 6th semester.
Jan. 2023 - June. 2023
- Directly responsible and assisted 3 students to help them better understand the materials taught in the course.
- Gave out weekly/by request tutor sessions.
Peer Tutor for Platform-based Programming in 6th semester.
Feb. 2023 - June. 2023
- Taught 3 students on a weekly basis.
- Gave out weekly/by request sessions.
Peer Tutor for Linear Algebra in 5th semester.
Jul. 2022 - Dec. 2022
- Taught 3 students on a weekly basis.
- Directly responsible and assisted students to help them better understand the materials taught in the course.
- Gave out weekly/by request sessions.
SalingJaga Research Team
UI/UX Designer
Jun 2020 - Dec 2020
- Conducted user-oriented research to understand the problems in dealing with sexual assault cases.
- Assisted in the process of planning, designing, and implementing the required resources for the solution
- Created the hi-fi UI design for ”SalingJaga” website.
Software Engineer
Jan. 2024
- A mobile app for financial record-keeping to make expense tracking easier, leading to a more economical and planned life
- Developed using Outsystems and Figma for the design.
Software Engineer
Jun. 2023
- E-Wallet payment simulator with asynchronous processing and real-time notification.
- Developed using NextJS (FE) and Django (BE) utilizing ChakraUI UI Design System.
- Demonstrate the use of Cloud and microservice usage in real life for Cloud and Web Service (CSCE604271) course.
URL Shortener
Software Engineer
Apr. 2023
- Developed a simple URL Shortener using Django and SQLite.
Jurnal Visual Kevin
Software Engineer/Content Writer
Jun. 2023 - Present
- Develop a personal blog using Sanity CMS, NextJS, and Cloudinary Image Gallery. This page reaches 500+ page views within 21 days of the launch.
- Use TailwindCSS for styling and deploy it in Vercel.
- Write articles about my thoughts, hobbies, and case study of my past works.
Frontend Engineer
Sep. 2022 - Dec. 2022
- Developed a Web-based online food and beverage purchase and booking application.
- Designed and implemented using Django REST API as backend services and Next.JS with TailwindCSS framework as app frontend.
Software Engineer
May. 2021 - Oct. 2021
- Developed a web and mobile application to help maintain people's mental health during difficult situations, especially in a pandemic.
- Used Bootstrap for styling and deployed using various PaaS during the current software lifespan.
- Developed in Django and SQL to support the backend.
Staff of UI/UX Design
Nov. 2021 - Dec. 2022
- Work with 10 UX designers to complete projects from various product owners.
- Contribution in the creation of Academy and Competition UI/UX Design which was used by over 4200+ participants in the event.
- Create user-centered design through user interview, wireframe, high fidelity design, and usability testing for COMPFEST 14's user dashboard, Academy and Competition event, and Job and Intern Fair.
Graphic Designer
Mar. 2021 - Nov. 2021
- Developed a the main website using Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and Framer Motion.
- Developed the business logic and transactional mailing system using Fastify, GraphQL, AWS SES, and many more.
- Designed and developed an email template using Figma and MJML.
IT Developer
May. 2021 - Oct. 2021
- Work with 2 UX designers and 5 Software Developers to complete projects to support the event.
- Create user-centered design through user interview, wireframe, high fidelity design, and usability testing for StudentXCEOs' merchandise store page and landing page.
Open House Fasilkom UI 2020
Graphic Designer
Sept. 2020 - Dec. 2020
- Assisted in designing promotional and supplementary material for Open House Fasilkom UI 2020
- Produced and designed the merchandise for Open House Fasilkom UI 2020
Google Developer Student Club University of Indonesia
Feb. 2022 - Present
- Participated in various events and workshops held by the club.
University of Indonesia
Bachelor of Computer Science
Jul. 2020 - Jul. 2024
- Graduated with GPA: 3.53/4.00
- Laboratory Affiliation: Computer Systems Lab & Digital Library and Distance Learning Lab
- Final Project Thesis: Development and Evaluation of a Moodle Application Interface for Generating Sign Language Subtitle Animations for Teachers and Students with a User-Centered Design Approach
Canisius College Senior High School
High School Diploma
Jul. 2017 - Jun. 2020
- Activities and societies: Visual Designer (Canisius Education Fair 2018), Journalist, Multimedia, Visual Designer (Temu Kolese 2018), Visual Designer (Canisius College League 2018), Vice PIC of Visual Design (Canisius College Cup 2019)
- Graduated with Cum Laude Academic Achievement