Hi, I'm Kevin
I'm a junior software engineer with a strong foundation in front-end development and a passion about crafting exceptional user experiences in product design.

I have worked with a range of companies, organizations, and projects. Here are a few of my experiences.
Full Stack Engineer | Jul. 2024 - Present
Mandiri My Digital Academy Batch 2
Awardee | Des. 2023 - Jun. 2024
Pemantauan Publikasi Ilmiah
Software Engineer | Jan. 2023 - Jun. 2023
Featured Posts
Stories about my experiences, projects, and thoughts.
Building My Personal Website and the Unexpected Journey of Self-Discovery
Creating and working on my personal website has been an unforeseen force of self-discovery. From showcasing my projects as a CS student to creating a blog for my inner musings, this ongoing project has taught me not just about web development, but also about confronting my own limitations and celebrating my growth. In this meta kinda blog I reflect on how this digital endeavor has become a mirror to my inner world.
Future Past Continuous
Yang lampau, yang kini, yang nanti. Future Past Continuous. Looking back, looking for, looking beyond. Menjadi, terjadi, menanti.
Tentang Marah
Beberapa kali aku mendapat pertanyaan ajaib "Lu pernah marah ga Kev?"